Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sec. B Ch. 4 Student Notes

Sec. B Ch. 4.1 Student Notes

Sec. B Ch. 4.2 Student Notes

Sec. B Ch. 4.3 Student Notes

Thanks to Chris for taking these notes.


  1. I believe that we are always going to have talented and gifted students in our classrooms as well as students with "special needs". It is our job to help them accomplish as much as they possibly can to make their experience in our classroom as good as we possibly can.

  2. I never knew that there were different codes for student's with different behaviors.I found it really interesting.

  3. I agree, I wasn't aware of the different codes either. I certainly am curious to find out what other codes there are, and what code I was considered to be when I was in school.
